Sarsen Health - The Working With Cancer Pledge

Companies, charities and health care providers around the world are coming together to pledge a more supportive and recovery-focused workplace culture for those working with cancer.

The hope is that through working collaboratively and raising awareness, they can eliminate the stigma and insecurity for people with cancer in the workplace. 1 in 2 people will develop cancer in their lifetime, with over 400,000 people diagnosed every year and 3 million people currently living with cancer – making this working with cancer pledge something all employers should be aware of.

The Facts

A recent survey of UK workers living with cancer found:

  • 71% were fearful to tell people at work about their diagnosis
  • Of those, 49% were worried about the financial impact of taking sick leave or stopping work
  • 48% were worried that they would lose their job
  • 46% continued to work despite their ill health as they were worried about financial pressures

The study also found 87% of those who shared their diagnosis felt their employer was accommodating and supportive. However, 51% of those said they were given unlimited sick leave or time off for treatment.

The Pledge

The Working With Cancer Pledge hopes for companies to:

  • Implement policies and programs with a focus on employees with cancer
  • Make employees aware of the commitment
  • Start the conversation in the workplace
  • Track progress
  • Keep learning and improving the support they offer

The Working With Cancer Pledge has put together a moving video – you can watch it here. The video emphasises the need for support not only during diagnosis and treatment, but also when an employee returns to work. It is most likely adjustments will be needed, and the employee will need further support at this time.

If you have an employee diagnosed with cancer, and need further advice on how best to help them, Sarsen Health are here to help through a management referral. Our experienced team can speak to your employee, taking a clinical history and any treatment plans. We can then advise on adjustments you can make as an employer to aid your employee through diagnosis and when returning to work. It’s worth remembering that all employees diagnosed with cancer are covered by the provisions of the Equality Act, Disability Section, from the day of their diagnosis – so supporting them with adjustments at work is vitally important.

We’ve been around for a while now, and have seen first hand the positive impact an open and supportive workplace can have on an employee going through cancer. Get in touch today to discuss further how we can help you and your employees.