Mental Health Awareness Week

This year, 15th – 21st May is Mental Health Awareness Week. This is an annual event hoping to tackle the stigma, and raise awareness of mental health. The focus this year is anxiety. Though anxiety is a normal emotional response for us all, it can occasionally grow out of control, and develop into a mental health problem.

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems. It can be caused by many factors, for example: starting a new job/losing a job, exam/work pressures, relationship breakdowns, or financial worries. A recent study carried out by The Mental Health Foundation found that a quarter of adults felt so anxious that it stopped them from doing the things they wanted to either some or all of the time.

Mental Health Awareness in the Workplace

It is vital that staff understand factors that can negatively affect their mental health. Managers should also have the appropriate skills to support staff, so as to communicate empathetically with individuals. Furthermore, managers have a key role in promoting positive attitudes and influencing workplace culture through developing a positive environment. This can be done through raising awareness, educating staff, having robust resources and policies in place.

While personal circumstances can lead to an employee experiencing anxiety, managers can offer help and support through easing workplace pressures. Some examples of how to ensure supportive practices include:

  • Ensure clear and open communication between staff and management
  • Improve support for staff
  • Consider flexible or hybrid working patterns
  • Be sure that all tasks/objectives/roles are clear, so as to manage expectations
  • Refer a struggling employee to Occupational Health for advice on adjustments

If an employee suffering with anxiety is struggling at work, or signed off work, a management referral is the best approach. Occupational Health will assess the employee’s fitness to work, and provide clear and concise advice on appropriate adjustments. If you have an employee with anxiety, and would like further advice, give us a call today.