Health Promotion - image

October is health promotion month here at Sarsen Health! This month sees a number of campaigns including: World Mental Health Day, National Work Life Week and Stoptober. Read on below for more information on the initiatives highlighted in the coming weeks.

10th October – World Mental Health Day

The theme for World Mental Health Day this year is ‘make mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority’. The World Mental Health Federation continues to work to ensure mental health is treated on a par with physical health. This year they are focused on reducing risk factors for mental health and enhancing conditions so that people can thrive – calling for change for people in their personal life, in employment and at government level. For more information, or to download posters for your company, click here.

10th – 14th October – National Work Life Week

National Work Life Week is an annual campaign aiming to get both employers and employees talking about wellbeing at work and work-life balance. This years campaign is focused on increasing access to flexible working and finding balance for employees, particularly in the current uncertain climate. Working Families are behind the campaign, and offer useful resources for employers on their website, including an Employer Toolkit – find it here.


Stoptober is here again! Research shows that if you can quit smoking for 28 days, you’re 5 times more likely to quit for good. Stopping smoking not only helps breathing, it can give you an energy boost too, as well as helping your finances. Since the NHS first launched the Stoptober campaign, they have helped over a million people to quit smoking for good. With many alternatives and so much help available, there’s never been a better time to quit for good. Find the Stoptober site here, full of tips, advice, and a link to the NHS Stoptober app.

A few more health promotion campaigns happening this month:

  • Sober October
  • National Cholesterol Month
  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month
  • Back Care Awareness Week


Our team of Occupational Health Specialists have expertise and experience in sickness absence management, helping employees to return to work, and stay well in work. Our team also offer pre placement health assessments, an opportunity to help both employees and employers ensure any reasonable adjustments can be made to promote employee wellness. There is strong evidence to support the business case for implementing a Workplace Wellbeing Strategy. Promoting workplace wellbeing and healthier lifestyle choices which support staff health can improve staff morale and increase productivity. Call us today to discuss how we can help you with your workplace health promotion program.