The Veg Pledge, started by Cancer Research UK, is asking the nation to ‘take the Veg Pledge’ and give up eating meat for the month of November. 

There are a variety of benefits to not eating meat, with numerous studies suggesting that a diet of vegetables, fruit, whole grains and legumes could lower your cancer risk, aid digestion, and help maintain a healthy weight – all while helping the planet too.

Cancer Research UK launched the campaign to educate people of the positive impact a vegetarian diet can have, and to encourage people to make changes for a healthier lifestyle, in turn lowering their risk of developing chronic illnesses. Also, getting sponsored to take the pledge is a fantastic way to raise money to support Cancer Research UK’s vital research.

Though cutting out meat and fish is a great start, it is important to make sure your diet is still giving you everything you need. Here are our tips to help you take the pledge in a healthy way:

– Ensure you have at least five portions of fruit and vegetables every day.

– Cut down on any foods high in fat, sugar or salt.

– Include carbohydrates such as potatoes, bread, rice or pasta with your meals, preferably wholegrain.

– Add beans, pulses or eggs for extra protein.

– When having dairy or dairy alternatives (for example oat milk, soya milk) choose low fat options where possible.

– Try to limit use of oil and spreads, and opt for rapeseed or olive alternatives.

– Be sure to keep hydrated, with water or something unsweetened.

Will you be taking ‘The Veg Pledge’? Cancer Research UK’s website has lots of information on sponsorship and recipe ideas, so you can feel healthier and know you are helping fundraise for an important cause.


November is a busy month for raising awareness – other campaigns running this month include:

– Movember – Men’s health awareness month

– Lung cancer awareness month

– Pancreatic cancer awareness

– National Diabetes month

– COPD awareness month 

Here at Sarsen Health we understand the importance of educating people about healthier lifestyles, symptoms to look out for and where to go for help. Promoting wellbeing at work and healthier lifestyle choices can help to improve staff morale and increase productivity. If you are looking to run a Health Promotion campaign in your workplace, or are thinking of implementing a Workplace Wellbeing Strategy, get in touch to see how we can help!