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Mental Health In The Workplace Following the Pandemic

Sarsen Health provide a range of services to help employees with their physical health and mental health, both while in work and when planning to return to work after a period of sickness absence. While COVID restrictions are now lifted and people returning to normality is positive, for those struggling with their mental health it brings new struggles. The World Health Organisation has found that global prevalence of anxiety and depression has increased by a staggering 25% since the start of the pandemic.

A study by the mental health charity Mind found 26% of adults experienced mental distress for the first time in the pandemic. Though the fear and isolation of lockdown may be behind us, ongoing stressors such as uncertainty and financial worries still prevail. According to Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director General “The information we have now about the impact of COVID-19 on the world’s mental health is just the tip of the iceberg, this is a wake-up call to all countries to pay more attention to mental health and do a better job of supporting their populations’ mental health.” 21% of adults struggling with their mental health since the pandemic did not seek professional help as they did not believe their problem was serious enough.

A further 9% of adults still don’t feel comfortable seeking help from either a professional or family/friends when it comes to mental health. Of those who did try to seek help, only 72% were able to get help, or an appointment within 3 months. With this in mind, and as pressure on mental health services grows, it is more important than ever to ensure that the employees feel supported at work, whatever they may be going through. Sarsen Health have many years experience helping companies to promote wellbeing in the workplace.

How Can We Help You To Support An Employee Struggling With Their Mental Health?

Sarsen Health are a team of Occupational Health Specialists, with expertise and experience in sickness absence management, helping employees to return to work, and stay well in work. Our team also offer pre placement health assessments, an opportunity to help both employees and employers ensure any reasonable adjustments can be made to promote employee wellness.

If you need help for an employee struggling with their mental health, or would like to discuss health promotion campaigns and employee wellbeing initiatives – give us a call today.