The issues surrounding mental health at work are concerning and a record number of days are being lost due to work related stress but also to a range of other mental health issues. There is therefore a need to support employee in managing their mental health.

The Facts

  • Research and statistics make clear that poor mental health is having a significant impact in the workplace;
  • Mental health is the 5th most common reason for sickness absence
  • Mental ill health is now the most common cause of health problem impacting on work among those aged 44 and younger
  • Over the past ten years, the number of workers aged 16-34 who report that poor mental health limits or impacts the type and amount of work they do has more than quadrupled
  • In 2022/23 there were an estimated 875,000 workers suffering from work related stress, depression, or anxiety resulted in 17.1 million working days lost and cost £42 billion.
  • Mental illness is the most common reason for a referral to Occupational Health for health assessment.


Time to Talk Day 6th February 2025

Time to Talk Day 2025 and Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace

Time to talk Day 2025 is an opportunity for those in the workplace to talk about mental health and is dedicated to breaking the silence about feelings, thoughts and even symptoms of poor mental health. This is a great initiative and many workplaces are creating ideas to start conversations around mental health to include:

  • Holding a casual get together
  • A quiz or mental health bingo
  • Hosting a webinar
  • Starting and creating open conversations can help make a positive impact on those struggling with poor mental health

Management Referrals for Mental Health

For some employees a chat with colleagues will be enough to support them to cope with their mental health in a positive way.  But where an employee is struggling with poor mental health that impacts their attendance and performance more formal approach may be needed and a management referral to Occupational Health.  Occupational health professionals are experienced at providing detailed advice on support and adjustments and which results in specialist advice aimed at providing support and advice on adjustments whether or not the employee is covered by the provisions of the Equality Act, Disability Section (2010).

Is a Management Referral a Mental Health Check?

Well, it is much more than that – it is an in-depth clinical assessment that involves looking at the overall health picture and would consider the following:

  • Fitness for the current role
  • Is the employee receiving appropriate medical treatment and do they have a history of mental health problems?
  • What adjustments might be needed in terms of reduced hours and duties
  • If the stressors are work related, the advice would include a plan for a risk assessment and how to progress that process
  • Advice on a return to work plan

Mental health problems are often poorly understood by employers, and specialist occupational health advice can be invaluable in supporting an employee and providing detailed advice for the employer to follow. It has been seen that the cost of poor mental health at work is huge and has an incalculable impact on business small and large and the economy overall. Our advice is to consider planning a Time to Talk Event and for those employees who may have more complex problems consider a Management Referral. You can call us anytime to chat through – 01483 730143.